The adverse effects of climate change include slow onset events and extreme weather events, which may result in loss and damage.
Slow onset events, as initially introduced by the Cancun Agreement (COP16), refer to the risks and impacts associated with: increasing temperatures; desertification; loss of biodiversity; land and forest degradation; glacial retreat and related impacts; ocean acidification; sea level rise; and salinization.
Jaroslav Mysiak, director of the research division ‘Risk assessment and adaptation strategies’ at the CMCC Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) has been invited to join the Expert Group on slow onset events (SOEs Expert Group) established by UNFCCC Executive Committee in the end of 2020.
SOEs Expert Group will help execute the work of the Executive Committee in guiding the implementation of the Warsaw International Mechanism, as appropriate, in an advisory role.
“This expert group on slow onset events”, Jaroslav Mysiak explains, “will help to improve the knowledge base on slow onset events and develop recommendations for approaches to addressing SOEs, with the idea to convert this knowledge base into products that support efforts at the regional and national levels”.
The SOEs Expert Group will comprise 10 to 18 technical experts and representatives of constituted bodies.
SOEs Expert Group will develop a rolling plan of action at its first meeting, and it reports to the Executive Committee regularly. Progress in the work of the SOEs Expert Group will be included in the annual report of the Executive Committee to Parties.
The terms of reference of the SOEs Expert Group was adopted at ExCom 12 (October 2020).