Abstract submissions are welcome until July 7th, 2023 for the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) taking place on November 14th – 16th, in Venice, Italy to present and discuss the state of the art in integrated assessment modelling.
The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) will take place on November 14th – 16th, 2023 at Hilton Molino Stucky, Venice, Italy.
The event will take place in person, with a portfolio of online events as part of the programme. The purpose of IAMC Annual Meetings is to present and discuss the state of the art in integrated assessment modeling from a national, regional and global viewpoint. Funds to support researchers from low-income countries and early-stage researchers/ students will be available.
The IAMC solicits abstracts for oral and poster presentations on the following selected research topics by July 7th, 2023:
NATIONAL. Assessment of national mitigation strategies.
DEEP. Analysis of deep mitigation strategies.
INTERNATIONAL. International climate policy.
DEMAND. Demand-side mitigation, including lifestyle change and degrowth.
ENERGY. Energy supply-sector analysis.
CARBON. Carbon dioxide removal and nature-based solution.
SECTORAL. Sectoral transition pathways.
CIRCULAR. Circular economy.
NON-STATE. Analysis of the contribution of non-state action.
JUSTICE. Climate justice (including equity and distributional impacts).
ECONOMIC. Economic assessment analysis of climate policy.
ADAPTATION. Adaptation and mitigation (synergies and trade-offs).
FINANCE. Climate finance.
IMPACTS. Impacts of climate change (including representation of the climate system).
METHODS. Methodological advances in IAM research.
POLICY. Policy instruments for transition pathways.
LAND. Land, agriculture, and forestry.
SUSTAINABLE. Sustainable development.
TRADE. Trade and security.
SSPs.SSPs, new baseline scenarios and representation of shocks.
STAKEHOLDERS.Presentation of results and stakeholder interaction (including art collaboration).
TRANSITION. Transition scenarios.
The Integrated Assessment Consortium (IAMC) is an organization of scientific research institutions that pursues scientific understanding of issues associated with integrated assessment modeling and analysis. The IAMC was created in 2007 in response to a call from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for a research organization to lead the integrated assessment modeling community in the development of new scenarios that could be employed by climate modelers in the development of prospective ensemble numerical experiments for both the near term and long term. The IAMC Secretariat is managed by the CMCC Foundation.
For more information, please visit the conference website.