From past to future, all possible scenarios for the Mediterranean: the MedCLIVAR-SISC 2024 conference concludes

Mediterranean coast
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150 participants, half of whom under 40, 135 studies presented, experts from 19 countries, and 3 plenary sessions featuring top experts in the field: the climate science community gathered in Lecce, Italy, to showcase the latest research on Mediterranean climate.

From September 24th to 27th, 2024, leading European and international climate experts gathered in Lecce, Italy, for the Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC). The conference offered a unique opportunity for those wishing to explore the dynamics and impacts of climate change in one of the most vulnerable regions of the world and a true climate change hotspot: the Mediterranean.

The 2024 SISC Annual Conference, a prominent international event dedicated to climate sciences, focused on the evolution of the Mediterranean climate and its future implications, covering topics from atmospheric to marine and terrestrial dynamics. The conference was co-organized by the University of Salento, the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC), and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC).


An opportunity for scientists and policymakers

The conference provided a unique platform for scientists, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders. The latest research was presented, and concrete approaches to addressing climate challenges were discussed, with a particular focus on regional responses to greenhouse gasses, pollution, and aerosol impacts. Special attention was also given to practical solutions and strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change in the Mediterranean.

“The topics discussed at this conference are at the core of the CMCC Foundation’s activities and are of critical importance, given the urgency of understanding exactly what is happening in the Mediterranean basin, what the signs of climate change are, and its consequences,” said Silvio Gualdi, Principal Scientist at CMCC. “The succession of opposite extreme events, such as the unprecedented recent rains in Emilia Romagna and the drought waves affecting the North and South of Italy for months, are clear indicators of how the climate is changing. And the climate science community has long anticipated that these are the defining characteristics of climate change. Additionally, the warming of the sea, with record temperatures measured annually, is having significant impacts on marine ecosystems. These phenomena are becoming increasingly evident and are directly affecting various economic sectors, making it urgent to understand and address these changes.”

This year, the SISC conference was organized jointly with the MedCLIVAR conference, the program on Mediterranean climate variability and predictability. Following the inaugural MedCLIVAR event in 2011 and the first SISC conference in 2013, both held in Lecce, the international climate science community returned to the city to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and provide an updated overview of how the Mediterranean climate is evolving within the global context.

“Through these annual events, the Italian Society for Climate Sciences aims to be a crucial reference point for the scientific community and local institutions in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. With its multidisciplinary approach, involving scientists, engineers, economists, and other experts, SISC seeks to play a pivotal role in bridging research and practical action,” said Paola Mercogliano, Principal Scientist at CMCC and incoming president of SISC for the 2025-2026 term. “This role is further strengthened by the active participation of numerous regional and local research institutions, which bring society’s real-world needs into the scientific debate. SISC is committed to promoting the dissemination of Italian climate research internationally, accelerating scientific progress, and fostering synergies between institutions. Over the next two years, alongside fundamental research, which remains the cornerstone of SISC’s activities, the results of projects funded by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and European climate adaptation programs will be at the center of the debate, addressing increasingly urgent issues.”


Conference theme

Under the theme “Bridging multiple space and time scales in climate sciences,” the event explored key topics in the study of the Mediterranean climate, including past climate variability, connections with the global climate, Mediterranean sea circulation and sea levels, feedbacks on the global climate system, and regional impacts of climate change.

During the conference, the results of the elections for the new SISC President and two Ordinary Members of the Board of Directors were announced. Piero Lionello, professor of Oceanography and Atmospheric Physics at the University of Salento, was elected and entrusted with the role of President-Elect for the 2025-2026 term, President for 2027-2028, and Past-President for 2029-2030. Paola Faggian and Claudia Pasquero were elected as Ordinary Members of the Board of Directors for the 2025-2028 term.

“SISC represents a science community whose role in scientific research and society is very important. Its high scientific productivity and wide expertise, ranging from theoretical to applied climatology, with inter-disciplinary and cross disciplinary aspects, are extremely relevant to address climate change and other environmental challenges,” said Lionello. “As President of SISC, my priorities will be to promote aggregation and cooperation within the Italian scientific community, leveraging events organized by SISC and other associations, and to undertake concrete actions for the dissemination of scientifically sound climate change information to citizens and policymakers through webinars, press releases, and the SISC website. Other goals as SISC president will be to further increase the involvement of Italian scientists in international initiatives and programmes, to increase the role of SISC as a forum for scientific discussion and presentation of innovative ideas, to promote the activities of young SISC scientists, to reinforce the bridge between research and teaching by promoting the presence of climate science in universities and secondary schools and to position SISC as a reference for providing consolidated scientific information.”


The next edition of the SISC Conference will take place in October 2025 in Salerno.


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