Disaster risk management in the Republic of Moldova: sharing good practices and highlighting areas of improvement

Mutual exchange of knowledge and good practices can help improve disaster risk management systems. From April 25th to 28th, a European civil protection team of experts supported by the European Commission and CMCC are taking part in an on-site mission to Moldova to assist local authorities through a Peer Review of disaster risk management and civil protection systems in the country.
A Peer Review of disaster risk management provides a country with an opportunity to reflect on its readiness to cope with natural and human-induced disasters and to identify ways of improving risk prevention and preparedness.
The European Commission’s Directorate General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), under the framework of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), supports Member States, Participating States to the UCPM, Enlargement and Neighbourhood countries to review their disaster risk management (DRM) policies and practices by taking stock of strengths and weaknesses, and putting forward recommendations to increase their effectiveness.
Based on an independent analysis, a peer review assists civil protection authorities in improving its disaster risk management capabilities, identifies better approaches to policy and operations, facilitates mutual learning and exchange of good practices, raises awareness among stakeholders involved in disaster risk management in the reviewed country, and proposes concrete recommendations.
In the week of April 25th – 28th, 2023, six independent experts (peers) from France, Germany, Romania, Poland, Sweden, and Latvia selected by the European Commission will participate in an on-site mission to the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter Moldova) to conduct a comprehensive peer review on disaster risk management system, as requested by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) within the UCPM Peer Review Programme 2020-2024 cycle.
With the aim of identifying areas for improvements and highlighting good practices within the disaster risk management system in Moldova, they will participate in multi-stakeholder meetings with public authorities, civil society organizations, academic and private sector entities, and collect views and information on managing disaster risk in the country.
The peers will be supported throughout the review activity by representatives of the European Commission and the CMCC Foundation, the latter acting as facilitator.
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