The publication of the report concludes a process started in 2022, when CMCC representatives took part in an on-site mission to Romania with the role of facilitator in the implementation of a Peer Review of disaster risk management in that country. The delivery of the report to the Prime Minister of Romania.
The EFDRR (European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction) Roadmap Action-Oriented Dialogue on “Understanding and communicating existing and future risks: ensuring evidence-based communication” took place in late February in Bucharest. It brought together high-level political representatives and technical experts from the region to share knowledge, experiences, ideas and best practices on how to make risk communication more effective and accessible for all.
At the event, Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, in charge of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, and European Emergency Response Coordinator, handed over the EU Peer Review Report for Disaster Risk Management in Romania to the Prime Minister of Romania Nicolae Ionel Ciucă and to Raed Arafat, Secretary of State – Head of the Department of Emergency Situations at Ministry of Internal Affairs in Romania.
“It is a day when we mark Romania’s extensive progress in improving its disaster risk management system” affirmed Lenarčič. “Romania is a model partner of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism – the EU solidarity vehicle, protecting people in emergencies.”
The Peer Review report Romania 2023 was realized by a peer review team composed of four independent experts from Croatia, France, Portugal and Spain selected by the European Commission. In October 2022, they participated in an on-site mission to Romania, where they took part in multi-stakeholders’ meetings with public authorities, civil society organizations, academic and private sector entities, and collected views and information on managing disaster risk in the country. A delegation led by CMCC assisted the Commission in carrying out the peer review and provided technical and administrative support throughout the review process.
Existing good practices and recommendations to improve Disaster Risk Management System in Romania are detailed in the report in four main sections, which are the selected thematic focus of the review:
- Governance of disaster risk reduction,
- Risk management planning,
- Risk prevention,
- Risk preparedness.
Download the Peer Review report Romania 2023
More info about the Peer Review Programme