CMCC, leading center for climate and ocean studies, signed an agreement with Ocean Visions and is now part of its international Network, aimed at developing innovative and durable solutions to complex challenges facing our ocean.
Ocean Visions is a nonprofit organization at the center of a robust network of organizations composed of leading universities and oceanographic institutions, and a diverse set of practitioner partners. Ocean Visions works to engage and focus resources across the Network for concerted action, catalyzing collaboration and co-design, development, testing, and evaluation of potential solutions to address the interlocking ocean-climate crisis.
Sharing the Ocean Vision’s goals of addressing the threats to the ocean caused by climate change and finding solutions that can restore oceans to a healthy condition, CMCC, leading center for climate and ocean studies, became part of the OV Network on February 5, 2024 through an Agreement signed by Brad Ack, OV Chief Executive Officer, and Antonio Navarra, CMCC President. The Agreement will have a three-year renewable validity.
Through participation in the OV Network, CMCC will collaborate on a shared agenda around ocean- climate solutions, provide leadership in its areas of expertise and institutional focus, showcase its innovations, and share information, new ideas, and new science and technology in pursuit of solving pressing ocean issues.
Among the activities carried out under the Ocean Visions Network, CMCC will:
- deploy the current climate and ocean prediction modelling systems to pilot applications for coastal ecosystem conservation, restoration, regeneration, and other nature-based solutions assessing their combined ecological and socioeconomic benefits beyond climate mitigation with particular focus on Blue Carbon Ecosystems such as seagrass meadows and macroalgal forests;
- develop and apply multi-scale climate models to inform the monitoring of CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal) implementations and propose recommendations and requirements for observational networks to provide the scientific background for MRV (Monitoring, Report, and eValuation);
- explore the implementation and upscaling of ocean based CDRs (e.g., alkalinization, marine BECCS) strategies including their Earth System feedback, environmental impacts and co- benefits;
- further develop and expand the ship voyage planning modelling capabilities to maximize the CO2 savings for maritime transport in relation to the meteo-marine conditions;
- participate in a joint international training and exchange program for climate solutions modelling.