The CMCC Foundation was awarded the AICA – International Association for Environmental Communication Award, 2019 edition, section “Communicating climate change”.
Established in 2004, the prize is to people and institutions that make a decisive contribution to increase awareness with regard to the environmental culture through effective and communicative languages, innovative uses of media technologies and platforms, the choice of appropriate information and communication methodologies, the ability to reach the widest possible audience.
The award is a recognition of the diversified initiatives put in place by the CMCC in order to disseminate climate-related topics and to the fruitful collaboration between communication and scientific research. Climate communication cannot be separated from this collaboration, from the constant dialogue between those who select the topics, process the messages for the diverse platforms (web, social media, print media, events) and those who work to produce rigorous and accurate information and data.
The CMCC is working to contribute to public awareness on climate change by multiplying content and tools, such as websites, social media, the Foresight Magazine, by looking for the best language available to dialogue within the community of peers, with public decision-makers, with the public opinion, and with students.
We thank AICA, and we also thank all CMCC researchers that make their time and skills available for communication activities and put additional effort to ensure the dissemination of reliable and authoritative content.
Finally, we would like to dedicate this award to all our colleagues in Venice who are struggling with the “Acqua Alta”: more than others they are now witnessing how important and relevant climate research is, even outside the science community.