The executive convention with the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) has been presented at the Academic Senate of Alma Mater with the aim to develop a new collaboration and joint research initiatives on dynamics of climate, atmosphere and ocean.
The Academic Senate of Alma Mater approved a new convention between the University of Bologna and the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change with the objective to enhance and broaden the collaboration with other research groups, involving other departments and institutions, to create a joint research group focused on climate dynamics issues.
In 2017 the CMCC established with the University of Bologna, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), a Protocol of Understanding for the development of the study of Physics at the University of Bologna. To implement that protocol, a convention was also approved to foster research, education, and scientific dissemination activities in the field of Physics, sharing scientific outcomes and knowledge, spaces, infrastructures and tools.
The new 6-years convention aims to develop joint research projects, while participating in calls for proposals, even at the international level; to develop joint partnerships with companies; to carry out research activities and create joint laboratories on strategic scientific issues; to establish PhD programs and fund research grants focused on common interests and activities. The aim of all these initiatives realized in the framework of the convention and to be carried out mainly at the new Interdepartmental Center on Climate Change, is to foster sustainable growth, environment protection and the development of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies based on the best available scientific knowledge.