Climate Action, not just for future generations, but for ourselves

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On the occasion of the “Journées de l’Economie” 
(Lyon, France, October 13-15, 2015), French daily “Le Monde” has invited seven leading economists to express their views on three key challenges of the future: climate change, globalization and the evolution of capitalism.

Prof. Carlo Carraro (CMCC Strategic Council and Governance), contributes to the climate debate with his article “Agir pour le climat, ce n’est pas que pour les générations futures, c’est aussi pour nous“.

“There is a growing awareness that global warming is one of the most important and urgent economic problems on the table. Climate change involves not only the environment, but our lives and societies: it affects water and energy security, health, infrastructures and the economy. Immediate action is an ethical imperative, and a winning economic strategy…”

Prof. Carraro participates in the session of October 13, “Agir pour le climat – Acting for the Climate”, a round table that gathers together economists to discuss the climate change issue in advance of the COP21 meeting that will be held in Paris at the end of the year.

Read the full article.

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