Breaktrough technologies for energy R&D

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It is recognised that Energy R&D and technological change diffusion are an essential part of any GHG stabilisation policy. However, it appears that the scope and scale of low-carbon technologies envisaged for the future might be limited.

Most are of a specific rather than general purpose nature, with their potential use being restricted to a narrow range of economic activities as, for instance, wind, solar and nuclear energy to power generation, and hydrogen and biofuels to transport.

A recent study, carried on by FEEM, CMCC and OECD, confirms that a broad portfolio of technological options will indeed have to be involved in mitigating climate change. Here a the main findings of this research work:


This post is an extract of the CMCC research paper “The role
of R&D and technology
diffusion in climate
change mitigation: New
perspectives using the
WITCH model” by Valentina Bosetti, Carlo Carraro, Romain Duval, and Massimo Tavoni


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