Best Applied Game 2021 Award: Special mention to Change Game

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Video games are not just entertainment. Change Game, the video game designed by the CMCC Foundation that confronts the complexity of climate change, receives a Special Mention at the Rome VideoGame Lab.

On Friday, November 5, at the Rome VideoGame Lab, an event dedicated to recognizing excellence in the world of video games, the Best Applied Game 2021 award ceremony was held.

The Best Applied Game 2021 gives the award for the best Italian video game designed with a purpose other than simple entertainment. The jury gave a special mention to Change Game, the video game designed by the CMCC Foundation, and developed in collaboration with Melazeta: “a title that helps to understand the complexity of climate change”.

Change Game is a video game that confronts the complexity of climate change, and how it interacts with society and natural ecosystems. Players will find out how the choices they make affect both their environment and other people. By creating a city from scratch, they will discover how the decisions they take have an impact on climate change.

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