An open dialogue on the climate crisis: From a changing Mediterranean to the words to describe it

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From October 16 to 20, CMCC will engage in public discussions and presentations on major climate and environmental challenges at the festival Conversazioni sul Futuro in Lecce. Over five days, prominent figures from journalism and science will explore the transformations of our time and the future of climate communication.

Once again this year, the CMCC – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change renews its participation in the festival Conversazioni sul Futuro, held in Lecce from October 16 to 20. This collaboration reaffirms CMCC’s central role in reflecting on environmental issues, offering a series of events focusing on climate and planetary changes, as well as the key challenges of communication and journalism.

Over five days, with over 200 guests and around 90 events in the festival’s programme, the CMCC presents discussions on environment and climate, with experts and renowned journalists such as Ferdinando Cotugno, Silvia Bencivelli, Stefano Liberti, Cristina Nadotti, and Luca Carra. The events, including talks and book presentations, aim to engage students, professionals, and citizens in an open dialogue where science and journalism converge to address the major challenges of our time. Journalists, communicators, and scientists will tackle crucial topics like climate change, environmental and human transformations in the Mediterranean, and the role of science journalism in building a culture of scientific awareness around today’s most pressing issues.

The first event kicks off on Wednesday, October 16 at Officine Cantelmo, where science journalist and writer Silvia Bencivelli will present her book Eroica, folle e visionaria. Storie di medicina spericolata. In conversation with journalist Paola Ancora, Bencivelli will explore the incredible stories of doctors who dared to experiment on themselves, challenging the boundaries between science, society, and power.

On Thursday, October 17, Bencivelli will again take center stage with her book Il mistero del gatto Asclepio in an event for schools at the CMCC headquarters in Via Marco Biagi. In a dialogue with Mauro Buonocore, Head of communication & outreach at CMCC, she will lead a treasure hunt through the origins of some of the most important scientific discoveries.

On the same day in the afternoon, at Officine Culturali Ergot, journalist and filmmaker Stefano Liberti will speak with Giovanni Coppini, director of the CMCC’s “Global Coasts as a New Frontier” research program, and journalist Tiziana Colluto. The talk Tropico Mediterraneo: viaggio in un mare che cambia will offer a snapshot of the profound transformations impacting the Mediterranean, as a consequence of pollution and environmental degradation.

October 18 features two major events: in the morning, at the CMCC headquarters, journalists Ferdinando Cotugno and Cristina Nadotti, together with Mauro Buonocore, will host La sfida del secolo: clima, comunicazione e giornalismo, where students will have the opportunity to explore how journalism can tackle the complex narratives surrounding climate change. In the afternoon, in the Auditorium of Museo Castromediano, the closing event will be dedicated to the presentation of the Romeo Bassoli Award for scientific journalism on climate and sustainability. This award recognizes those who have effectively and rigorously communicated the complexities of climate change and its impacts. The ceremony will be accompanied by a panel titled Con le giuste parole: il giornalismo di fronte alla sfida climatica, featuring Cristina Nadotti, Ferdinando Cotugno, Mauro Buonocore, Luca Carra, and Simone Fontana. Expert journalists and communicators will discuss techniques, languages, opportunities, and challenges for journalism at various scales, aiming to build public awareness about the risks and opportunities climate change presents for the future.


“Conversazioni sul Futuro” is organized by the Diffondiamo Idee di Valore association, coordinated by Gabriella Morelli, in collaboration with numerous public and private entities. The festival offers five days with about 90 events, including talks, book presentations, monologues, performances, concerts, film screenings, and activities for schools and families, featuring over 200 guests. The event explores contemporary issues in all their facets, fostering dialogue with a diversity of topics, languages, and perspectives.


Info and program at:


The events will be in Italian.

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