Pérez Blanco Carlos Dionisio

About us
Pérez Blanco Carlos Dionisio

Venezia: Edificio Porta dell’Innovazione – Piano 2, via della Libertà 12 – 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE)

[email protected]

Carlos Dionisio Pérez Blanco is a Research Associate at CMCC and Distinguished Research Fellow at Universidad de Salamanca, where he is Principal Investigator of the SWAN (total budget: EUR 500,000) and ATACC (EUR 140,000) projects.
He is a successful awardee of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie, the AXA Research Fund (at CMCC) and Ikerbasque fellowships. He has also coordinated the AGRO ADAPT Project (at CMCC, EUR 180,000). Overall, he has successfully applied to competitive calls worth over EUR 1.3 million during the past 4 years.
He leads a group of 4 researchers at USAL and he has been recently appointed coordinator of Water Future’s Economic Instruments of Water Security Working Group, an international network of 25 renowned scientists co-developing the pioneering Global Water Assessment.
He has published 21 scientific papers in major international peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journals, for an aggregate JCR 5-year Impact Factor of 59.4. All these achievements have been matured in the 5 years since he completed his PhD, which received the highest possible distinctions (summa cum laude and PhD Extraordinary Award 2016).

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