via De Nicola 9, I- 07100 Sassari
+39 079 229377
Degree in Agricultural Sciences at University of Sassari, Italy (1994). PhD on Agrometeorology (2001).
Actually, he is researcher at the University of Sassari-DipNET and collaborator of CMCC-IAFENT Division since 2009.
The main steps of his career are: 1995-96 fellowship at the National Research Council, Institute of Biometeorology, Italy; 1996-98 contract for research activities, University of Sassari; 2001-2005 and 2008-2010 post doc fellowship, University of Sassari; 2006-2008 fellowship funded by Sardinian regional Government.
He has several years of experience in international and national research project, and actually is scientific responsible of DipNET in the EU FP7 Project FUME – Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the word. His main research field are related to:
- Agrometeorology and Micrometeorology. Specialised in mass and energy flux monitoring techniques (e.g. Eddy Covariance) and flux data analysis on agricultural and natural ecosystems;
- Ecophysiology. Plant- water relationship, particularly on Mediterranean ecosystems under water stress;
- Wildfire danger and behaviour modeling. Fire danger model development, fuel characterization, fire data analysis, fire-weather relationships;
- Soil respiration and carbon dynamics. Modeling of soil C pools fluxes in agricultural and natural ecosystems
- Climate change impacts. Assessment of CC impacts on vegetation, land use, wildfire regimes, soil, agriculture. Climate and environment manipulation experiments.
- UAV imagery to assess agronomic, physiological, and yield characteristics in a super-intensive almond orchard
- Artificial intelligence and Eddy covariance: A review
- Modelling soil moisture and daily actual evapotranspiration: Integrating remote sensing surface energy balance and 1D Richards equation
- Using biochar for environmental recovery and boosting the yield of valuable non-food crops: The case of hemp in a soil contaminated by potentially toxic elements (PTEs)
- Estimating annual GHG and particulate matter emissions from rural and forest fires based on an integrated modelling approach
- OFIDIA2: An Operational Platform for Fire Danger Prevention and Monitoring
- An Index for User-Friendly Proximal Detection of Water Requirements to Optimized Irrigation Management in Vineyards
- Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Soil Properties, Microbial Abundance, and Litter Decomposition Across Three Shrublands Ecosystems From the Mediterranean Basin
- Water status monitoring in grapevines with traditional and new automated sensors
- Daily Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation in a Mediterranean Ecosystem from Landsat Observations Using SEBAL Approach