PHAROS: Lighthouse for Atlantic and Arctic Basin

What we do
PHAROS: Lighthouse for Atlantic and Arctic Basin

PHAROS is an EU-funded project, led by the Canary Islands Ocean Platform (PLOCAN), and implemented by a consortium of 24 organizations, which aims to provide nature-based solutions for restoring ecosystems and biodiversity while tackling climate change and human impacts in the Atlantic and Arctic maritime regions. These goals align with the European Union’s ambitious Ocean Mission objectives. The PHAROS project aligns with the European Union’s Ocean Mission by focusing on protecting and restoring marine ecosystems and biodiversity, eliminating pollution, and achieving a sustainable, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy by 2030.

60 months from 01/09/2024 to 31/08/2029
Funded by
  • European Union

Coordinating organization
  • Canary Islands Ocean Platform (PLOCAN)

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

To provide nature-based solutions for restoring ecosystems and biodiversity while tackling climate change and human impacts in the Atlantic and Arctic maritime regions.

CMCC role
In the framework of PHAROS project, CMCC will improve the Blue4All Platform utilized by (MPA) managers, facilitating adaptive management practices for biodiversity and climate change, and seamless co-management of MPA-related challenges. Moreover, CMCC will integrate the comprehensive DTOs for the Gran Canaria and Iceland local sites created within the PHAROS project into the BLUE4ALL platform.

PHAROS activities will concern: 4 demonstrations in the Atlantic, utilising a mix of newly developed Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), specifically tailored to the local environment; 1 demonstration aimed at reducing invasive species in Iceland through the use of eDNA monitoring; MPA BluePrint platform and network, Remedies Fisher Guardian, Citizen Litter Entrepreneur programs, and the Probleu EU Blue School Network platform for education.

Expected results
PHAROS will establish at least one Living Lab in each demo and replication location with full deliberative engagement at all project stages; 4 demos will be carried out in Gran Canaria, Ireland and Iceland concerning Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA); marine forest and reef restoration; and Invasive species reduction. Moreover, MPAs of the AA basin will be extended and full integrated with the Blueprint platform for the introduction of adaptive management practices for ecosystem and climate change. In addition, multiple fisher guardian and citizen entrepreneurs will be activated resulting in 10+ NBS business plans for local stakeholders and SMEs, and 15+ plans for Litter Entrepreneurs. Two live local DTOs with real-time data enabling monitoring, forecasting and what-if scenario modelling will be also developed along with tools and guidelines for the successful NBS, IMTA, MPA, fisher guardian and litter entrepreneur programs

1) Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
2) Cluster Marinas Canaria (CMC)
3) Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC)
4) University Gent UGent University of Las Palmas Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
5) Underwater Gardens International (UGI)
6) EnerOcean (EnerO)
7) Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR)
8) Bantry Marine Research Station (BMRS)
9) RORUM; Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
10) Deltares: blueOasis
11) International consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA)
12) IFREMER; Government of Canary islands (GobCan)
13) Munster Technology Uni (MTU)
14) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS)
15) ImpactHub (IHA)
16) Lviv Polytechnic National University (LPNU)
17) Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology National Academy Sciences (IZNASU)
18) NORCE; Gravity Wave (GW)

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