The 9th China-Italy Joint Workshop on Ocean Forecasting and Climate Projections

The 9th China-Italy Joint Workshop
1-2 July 2024
CMCC headquarters, Lecce (Italy)

The event is a recurrent joint workshop between Italy and China: Researchers from Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), University of Bologna (UNIBO) and the National Marine Environment Forecasting Center (NMEFC) will meet for a 2-days workshop to share strategies for the development of forecasting operational models/systems.

Among the speakers there are eight representatives from CMCC, including:

IESP institute director, Simona Masina,
GOCO division director, Giovanni Coppini,
ROFS division director Emanuela Clementi;

Nadia Pinardi and representatives from UNIBO;

Some representatives from NMEFC, including:
NMEFC Director, Fujiang Yu,
Operation, Science & Technology division director, Zhihua Zhang,
Storm Surge Warning division director, Jianxi Dong,
Ocean Wave Warning division deputy director, Zhiyi Gao,
Tsunami Early Warning Center deputy director, Peitao Wang,
Ministry of Natural Resources, Key Laboratory of Marine Hazards Forecasting Technology director, Ye Yuan

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