The project proposes a multidisciplinary approach involving different national environmental protection system (SNPA) and national health prevention system of environmental and climate risks (SNPS) structures from 5 regions (Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Latium, Apulia and Sicily), as well as national health, weather and air quality scientific experts, communication experts, active citizenship associations with the aim to realize the overall objective of accelerating climate change adaptation and mitigation in urban areas, with a focus on urban green areas and sustainable mobility, and to increase, at the same time, knowledge and awareness and promote a change in citizens’ lifestyles and policies associated with major direct and indirect co-benefits at all levels: citizens, policy makers, schools, SNPA and SNPS operators. Evidence-based measures will be promoted starting from the best practices of national and international plans, policies and interventions with a focus on sustainable transport and combating urban heat island (UHI) and high temperatures. A specific focus will be devoted to vulnerability factors (clinical frailty and social vulnerability) and adaptation measures associated with social equity.
48 months (4 years) from 21/12/2022 to 31/12/2026
General aims
Below is the generic list of project objectives:
- Definition of future estimates of atmospheric temperature and pollution considering different high-resolution climate change scenarios.
- Development of scenarios based on urban greening and active transport modelling for use in impact estimates. A focus on actions that promote social equity and estimation of health benefits.
- Impact estimates and health indicators to monitor direct and indirect health co-benefits associated with the introduction of mitigation actions.
- Establishment of a city-based stakeholder network (in case studies) with the intention of carrying out engagement actions to raise awareness of risks associated with climate change and policies/interventions associated with the greatest direct and indirect co-benefits.
- Planning of training events for SNPS and SNPA practitioners, policy makers, universities, and schools to increase knowledge on health risks associated with climate change, adaptation measures and the benefits of urban greening and sustainable mobility.
CMCC role
The CMCC is directly involved in the objective concerning the assessment of ‘environmental exposure and climate change estimation in urban areas’. This activity will result in the definition of a network of observational temperature and air pollution data to develop a high-resolution time series starting from data from urban monitoring networks, modelling data and future estimates considering high-resolution climate change scenarios to support estimates of the impact on the health of the population of the cities taken as case studies: Turin, Bologna, Rome, Bari.
The project aims to increase knowledge and awareness of the risks associated with climate change for health and the environment to facilitate changes in citizens’ lifestyles and policies associated with major co-benefits at all levels, with a focus on urban green and sustainable mobility. The proposed actions are the following:
- Definition of a network of observational data on temperature and air pollution in urban areas, of data from high spatial resolution modelling to estimate the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon within urban areas from the various ad hoc monitoring and modelling campaigns in use. High-resolution climate models will be used to estimate the temperature increase under different climate change scenarios at different time intervals in the urban areas under study. These data will be used to both monitor environmental impacts and estimate health impacts.
- Estimating the impacts in terms of deaths attributable to current and future temperatures and air pollution according to national climate change scenarios.
- Definition of intervention scenarios in relation to urban greening to reduce temperatures and air pollution and in relation to sustainable transport to reduce air pollution. The scenarios envisage a phase of ‘codesign’ and active participation of citizens (‘citizen science’) and the organization of participatory events and comparisons with citizens, involved institutions and the technical-scientific part.
- Definition of actions that promote social equity and adaptation and reduce vulnerability (clinical fragility and social vulnerability) to be applied in the impact estimation scenarios.
- Estimation of the change in deaths and years of vision lost attributable to temperature and air pollution in response policy/intervention scenarios within the large urban areas under study using longitudinal population cohorts (Turin, Bologna, Rome, Bari).
- Estimation of indirect impacts of policy/intervention scenarios on lifestyles, prevalence of chronic diseases, and mental health. The effect estimates used in the impact analysis are derived from literature reviews already published or conducted within the framework of the project (e.g., on the effects of urban green areas on mental health).
- Definition of an operational guide for climate change resilience and health system sustainability based on a review and survey of the measures and actions undertaken in the participating regions considering the local context of regional health systems.
- Engagement actions for strengthening the network and greater collaboration between local health and environment stakeholders (stakeholder analysis and organization of local workshops)
- Development of an online platform with the main project results to raise awareness on risks associated with climate change and support local planning – Training events for SNPA and SNPS operators and policy makers, educational events in schools and universities.
Expected results
- Development of high spatio-temporal resolution modelling for climate change estimates.
- Identification of spatial variation in environmental exposure in cities (e.g., UHI).
- Identification of climate change-related health impacts for the project case studies.
- Participatory processes, training activities and dissemination of project results;
- Activities with schools: evaluation of green interventions in schools; dissemination of information and training materials;
- Review of interventions/policies in urban areas with a focus on schools and health;
- University training;
- Participation in local events accross cities;
- Dissemination of information material on project results.
Coordinating organization Michelozzi Paola (Regione Lazio / Dipartimento Epidemiologia del S.S.R. – ASL Roma1 Regione Lazio DEPLAZIO)
Regione Lazio / Dipartimento Epidemiologia del S.S.R. – ASL Roma1 Regione Lazio (DEPLAZIO) ARPA Emilia Romagna (ARPAE)
Regione Piemonte, SCaDU Servizio sovrazonale di Epidemiologia (ASL TO3)
Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e Biologiche (UniTO)
Agenzia Strategica Regionale per la Salute e il Sociale (ARESS)
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA)
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
IFT-CNR di Palermo
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
Servizio 9 Sorveglianza ed Epidemiologia Valutativa (DASOE)