International climate change science cooperation: Tracking, reporting and visualising data within the Earth System Grid Federation

What we do

CMCC Webinar
29 November 2022 – h 12.00 pm CET
Click on the following link for registration:

Alessandra Nuzzo, CMCC

Monia Santini, CMCC

The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) is an international collaboration powering most global climate change research and managing the first-ever decentralized database for handling climate science data, with multiple petabytes (one petabyte equals to one thousand of terabytes) of data at dozens of federated sites worldwide. It is recognized as the leading infrastructure for the management and access of large distributed data volumes for climate change research and supports the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) and the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX), whose protocols enable the periodic assessments carried out by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).
ESGF includes a specific software component, named ESGF Data Statistics, which takes care of collecting, analyzing and visualizing the data usage metrics and data archive information across the Federation. This allows to provide a strong feedback on the level of exploitation of the Federation data, which captures the level of interest from the community and can help designing larger scale experiments in the future and getting some insights on the long tail of research. Moreover, a view of the total amount of data published and available through ESGF offers users the possibility to monitor the status of the data archive of the entire Federation.


This work was supported by the EU FP7 Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling – Phase 2 project (IS-ENES2, Grant Agreement 312979) and it is currently supported by the EU H2020 IS-ENES Phase 3 (ISENES3, Grant Agreement 824084).


29 November 2022- h 12.00 pm CET
Click on the following link for registration:


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