Voices of the transition. Climate change communication for a sustainable future

Milano | Base Milano, Via Bergognone 34, and online
September 30, 2021 – 4:00 – 7:00 PM CEST
Please register here to join us in Milan.
To access the stream, please register here. 

Artists, youth, scientists, journalists.
Theatre, music, data, photography.
Many voices. Different angles. One challenge.


Join the conversation on how communication can shape a sustainable future.

Discover the most compelling and creative initiatives on climate change communication worldwide through debates, interviews, and live performances.

The event “Voices of the transition. Climate change communication for a sustainable future” brings together a collection of voices offering different points of view on how to address the same challenge: finding the words and means to raise awareness on climate change.

Watch the live streaming of the award ceremony:


Opening address

With Carlo Carraro, Professor, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Strategic Advisor, CMCC Foundation


Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition

Young people take the stage to highlight their priorities, put forward ideas and champion active engagement. Participants of the Youth4Climate Summit, organized in Milan by the Italian Government, will share their messages on the most urgent climate issues right after the international summit ends on September 30, setting the tone for the preparatory ministerial meeting to the 2021 UNFCCC climate negotiations (Pre-COP 26) in Milan.

With Hoor Ahli youth representative from the Youth4Climate summit in Milan


A snapshot of the Future

How climate science builds scenarios and tells us what the future might look like.

With Massimo Tavoni, IPCC AR6 Author, Director of the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment


Communication is Participation. Co-design, climate science and data visualization

A participatory approach is the foundation for building design solutions that empower citizens, policymakers, experts and non-experts to make informed decisions. A journey through co-designing the data visualizations of some of the most recent Summaries for Policymakers published by the IPCC.

With Angela Morelli, information designer, co-founder and CEO of InfoDesignLab


Climate Change Theatre Action

Theatres and playwrights to foster dialogue about our global climate crisis, create an empowering vision of the future, and inspire people to take action. A project that builds on the collaborative efforts of artists across disciplines and geographic borders.

With Chantal Bilodeau, co-founder of Climate Change Theatre Action and playwright, and Chris Thorpe, playwright.
With a live performance by actress Annalisa Brianzi


Climate Music Project

What does climate change sound like? The music combines the talents and expertise of world-class scientists, composers, musicians, artists, and technology visionaries. An idea that enables the creation and staging of science-guided music and visual experiences to inspire people to engage actively on the issue of climate change.

With Stephan Crawford, artist and founder of Climate Music Project, and Erik Ian Walker, composer




“Rossella Panarese” and “Pietro Greco” Special Mentions

Presentation of the special mentions jointly assigned by CMCC Foundation and Radio3 Scienza, the Italian public radio’s daily science show.

The special mention “Rossella Panarese”, named after the founder and producer of Radio3 Scienza, is assigned to FRidA – Forum della Ricerca dell’Università di Torino for the podcast “Da clima a fondo“, realised in collaboration with the project The Climate Route. The special mention “Pietro Greco”, named after the science writer and one of the hosts of Radio3 Scienza, is assigned to Nicolas Lozito, a journalist at Il Messaggero, for the newsletter “Il colore verde“.

With Giulia Alice Fornaro, FRidA – Forum della Ricerca dell’Università di Torino, Alex Nicolini, The Climate Route and Nicolas Lozito, journalist at Il Messaggero


CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra” – Winner Announcement

Announcement and presentation of the finalists and winning project of the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra”. The Award, promoted by the CMCC Foundation, aims to showcase the best communication initiatives that spread awareness on climate change and honours the memory of the artist Rebecca Ballestra, who was committed to shaping a sustainable future and promoting positive transformation processes in the fields of science, humanities, economy, ecology and art. The 108 admitted projects came from very different countries and contexts, drawing an inspiring landscape of initiatives innovating climate change communication.

With the jury members Giuseppe La Spada, Water Artist, Sustainability Communication Expert and Mike Favetta, Meteorologist, co-founder of Climate Without Borders; Alessandra Mazzai, communication officer at the CMCC Foundation.
The winning project will be announced by Andrea Maggiani, CEO of Carbonsink. 

Host: Elisabetta Tola,  Radio 3 Scienza


Participation at the event is free of charge. Registration is required. Please register here to join us in Milan.

Voices of the Transition will be streamed live on the CMCC website and on cmccaward.eu.

To access the stream, please register here


“Voices of the transition” is organized by the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change

Under the patronage of:

With the support of Carbonsink

In partnership with BASE Milano

In the context of the Sustainable Development Festival 2021 promoted by ASVIS.

Media Partners: TGR and Rai Radio3.

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