Antonelli Marta

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Antonelli Marta
Dr Marta Antonelli has 13 years of experience as researcher and project leader, working across social and environmental sciences, in the fields of sustainable food production and consumption, water and food policy, sustainable diets.
Her experience includes positions, among others, at the University of Roma Tre, University IUAV of Venice, the University of Siena, Venice International University, the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology. She has also consulted for business, NGOs and start-ups.
She is one of the 45 members of the expert group of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre that will help develop the legislative framework of the Farm to Fork Strategy.
She currently serves as Research Manager of the Su-Eatable Life project, aiming at reducing carbon and water footprints through the promotion of a sustainable and healthy diets in universities and companies’ canteens across the United Kingdom and Italy, and as Head of Research at the Barilla Foundation.
With a M.Sc. in International Economics (La Sapienza University of Rome), M. SC.Development Studies (SOAS, University of London), she holds a Ph.D. in Environment, Politics and Development (King’s College London).

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