Principal Scientist
Institute for Climate ResilienceRisk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies Division
Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione - Piano 2 - via della Libertà 12 - 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE), Italy
Dr Jaroslav Mysiak is the director of the research division ‘Risk assessment and adaptation strategies’, and external teacher at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Jaroslav holds a PhD from the University of Göttingen (Germany) and MSc. from the Technical University Zvolen (Slovakia). Jaroslav is a member and rapporteur of the EC Horizon Europe’s Mission Board on Climate adaptation and Societal Transformation (2019-2021), a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environmental Agency (EEA) (2020-2023), a member of the European Science and Technology Advisory Group (E-STAG) (since 2018) of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), and a member of the Expert Group on slow-onset event (SOE) (2021-2023) established by the Executive Committee of the UNFCCC Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (L&D). Jaroslav is involved and actively contribute to the Technical Expert Network on Catastrophe Risks of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), the Future Earth’s Knowledge Action Network on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events (, the Ecosystems for Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction network (, INFORM Global Risk Index consortium (, and the EEA’s Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (ETC-CCA).
Jaroslav’s research focusses on risk assessment and governance, including behavioural responses to risks and risk-reduction measures, risk perception and transformational social change, environmental economics, sustainable finance, climate adaptation and services. Previously he contributed to the sustainable taxonomy as a member of the expert network established by the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on sustainable finance, and member of the EU Disaster Loss Data System working group. He acted as team leader of the UNDP coordinated project’s developing the disaster risk reduction strategy and action plan for the Republic of Mauritius, and contributed to similar assessments elsewhere (e.g., Nigeria, St. Lucia). He coordinated several and contributed to many European research and innovation projects, such as CLARA (Climate forecasts enabled knowledge services, H2020 2017-2020), ENHANCE (Enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic natural disasters in Europe, FP7 2012-2016), EPI-WATER (Economic policy instruments for sustainable water resource management, FP7 2011-2013), XEROCHORE (An exercise to assess research needs and policy choices in areas of drought, FP7 2009-2011) and many more.
- A Framework for Joint Verification and Evaluation of Seasonal Climate Services across Socioeconomic Sectors
- On the cost-effectiveness of Nature-based Solutions for reducing disaster risk
- Exploring the limits and gaps of flood adaptation
- Connected urban green spaces for pluvial flood risk reduction in the Metropolitan area of Milan
- Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events
- Exploring the effects of protected area networks on the European land system
- Developing Representative Impact Scenarios From Climate Projection Ensembles, With Application to UKCP18 and EURO-CORDEX Precipitation
- Ten new insights in climate science 2022
- Building Climate resilience through nature-based solutions: a review of enabling knowledge, finance and governance frameworks
- Invited perspectives: A research agenda towards disaster risk management pathways in multi-(hazard-)risk assessment